Interstitial Lung Diseases encompass a large group of chronic lung disorders associated with excessive tissue remodeling, scarring, fibrosis, hypoxemia, decreased FEV-1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, SaO2, and nitric oxide.

Currently 128,000 patients have Pulmonary Fibrosis with 48,000 new cases each year. Over 40,000 of these patients die each year. 96.88 % of patients by age 60 with Pulmonary Fibrosis have nasal inflammation and congestion, which decreases the ability of nasal nitric oxide to maintain normal lung functions.

The nasal cavity produces 900-1,100 parts per billion of nitric oxide, which is used to kill invading bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Nasal nitric oxide also produces clinically useful bronchodilation and has been shown to reduce Pulmonary Fibrosis (Djupesland et al. 2001).

Unfortunately, available over-the-counter nasal spray products fail to provide relief from nasal or lung inflammation and drugs containing steroids often have serious side-effects and may eventually lose their efficacy.

There have been over 32,381 patient complaints to the FDA from patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, stating that Rx, OTC, and steroid-based inhalation products have failed to provide relief from nasal or lung inflammation.